
Microinvasive Glaucoma Surgery

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Microinvasive Glaucoma Surgery services offered in Walnut Creek, CA

Minimally invasive glaucoma surgery provides a safe and effective way to reduce intraocular pressure and prevent vision loss. At Diablo Eye Associates in Walnut Creek, California, the ophthalmologists and glaucoma specialists offer several types of minimally invasive glaucoma surgery. These procedures allow for quicker recovery times and fewer complications. Call the office to request a minimally invasive glaucoma surgery consultation today, or book online. 

Microinvasive Glaucoma Surgery Q & A

What is minimally invasive glaucoma surgery?

Minimally invasive glaucoma surgery is a group of outpatient procedures designed to reduce intraocular pressure. 

According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, normal eye pressure is between 10 and 20 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). Glaucoma is a disease characterized by excess intraocular pressure. Increased eye pressure damages your optic nerve without treatment, resulting in permanent vision loss.

Minimally invasive glaucoma surgery can’t cure glaucoma or restore your vision, but it can prevent additional complications and stop your symptoms from worsening.

Why should I consider minimally invasive glaucoma surgery?

You should consider minimally invasive glaucoma surgery because it offers various benefits compared with more traditional treatments, including:

  • Shorter surgery times
  • Safe
  • Little risk of infection or other complications
  • No sutures or stitches

Minimally invasive glaucoma surgery is also unique because it doesn’t require a hospital stay. After the procedure, a friend or family member drives you home.

Are there different types of minimally invasive glaucoma surgery?

Diablo Eye Associates offers several types of minimally invasive glaucoma surgery, including:


During a trabectome, your Diablo Eye Associates provider uses a handheld tool to remove part of the trabecular network –– a group of canals that help drain fluid at the back of your eyes. This exposes the outflow channels in your eye, quickly reducing intraocular pressure.


iStent is a tiny device made of titanium that your Diablo Eye Associates provider implants inside your eye. Your provider inserts the iStent into your trabecular meshwork, improving drainage at the back of your eye.


Xen uses an implantable gel micro stent to help move fluid through the trabecular meshwork at the back of your eye. Xen provides similar results to the iStent but is more likely to cause scarring.

What type of minimally invasive glaucoma surgery will benefit me?

The minimally invasive glaucoma surgery that will most benefit you depends on your age, health history, and the severity of your symptoms. After a review of your medical charts, a comprehensive eye exam, and a series of diagnostic tests, your Diablo Eye Associates provider develops a custom treatment plan.

Call Diablo Eye Associates to request a minimally invasive glaucoma surgery consultation today, or book online.